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Koha Installation on Windows for personal use by Aadvance Learning System |
Hi Friends, Welcome to Aadvance Learning System
Today we Will Discuss Koha Software Koha is a very popular and open source Library Management software and mostly installs on the Linux operating system, But today we will see how we can install Koha Software on the windows operating system it's a very easy process.
Let's start First of all you have to download a file from website and the file name is "Koha_for_windows.zip" I will give you the download link in below the post Let's see how to install it first after downloading this file, keep it in any root directory i.e. C or D drive Now extract this zip folder into your root drive it will take some time to extract it's extracted successfully after extract, we get a "usr" folder put this "usr" folder in your root directory/drive it should not be in any folder I put this folder in my E drive now open this "usr" folder now you have to run 2-3 files from this folder, first of all, we will run "StartMysqlServer.bat" file a window will open and close automatically after a while
we will run "StartServer.bat" and a window will open and minimize this window, don't close it Next we will run "ZebraServer.bat" now again a window will open and don't close it too just minimize it Now will go to the browser, and type localhost:8080 and press enter you will see the login screen for first time login enter 'admin' in Username and 'admin' in Password as soon as you press Login button you will get Koha Dashboard to see it's very easy to install koha on your machine you can see here
Catalogues here it's very easy to run koha software in the windows operating system One more thing I want to tell you is that please use this koha for your learning and personal purpose only if you want to use Koha as Official software please install it in Linux server only because that is more secure and stable now I will explain to you that how you can download this Koha Software go browser and type technicaldigit.com it's an official website now go to Koha tab you will see a button "Download Koha for Windows" it's clicking this file will be downloaded copy
copy this downloaded folder to your computer's root directory and extract it as explained earlier.
I hope you will be able to easily install koha software on your computer or laptop with help of this blog you can ask your queries and doubts in the comment box if you follow this blog, please like and share if you didn't follow our blog, please follow now.
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